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About Me and Contact Information

Who am I?

The youngest of three sons of Henry Holladay, the last Managing Director of Garton & King Ltd.

You can contact me by email at (Please type the address into your mailer program).
Alternatively I can be contacted by post or phone:
     Richard Holladay, Higher Mill House, Clifford Street, CHUDLEIGH, TQ13 0LH
     Phone 01626852512

You may be able to help me. This is what I am looking for and why:-

Any examples of the company’s products that still exist today so that they can be photographed & recorded & possibly added to this website.

I am also interested in acquiring or being loaned examples of the company’s literature, brochures, compliment slips, letterheads, receipts, payslips, letters, orders & any photograph relating to Garton & King.

I am similarly interested in listening to & maybe recording experiences & memories from those who worked in the company - showroom – draughtsmen – fitters – foundrymen – patternmakers – machine operators – cleaners – clerical staff etc., or being put in touch with any past employee.

Where were Garton and King located in Exeter?

190 High Street – retail ironmongers
28 & 29 Waterbeer Street – foundry
Tan Lane – foundry from 1939
Central Station, Queen Street – showrooms
19 North Street – showrooms
(see Map)

Everything on this site is copyright the Holladay family and should not be used in other websites, printed material or film and video. Contact me if you would like to use part of the content in your own project. The website has been produced for interest only, and care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but no liability will be taken for incorrect information.

Website design and development: David Cornforth (Exeter Memories) and Peter Holladay.

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